Hi I'm Roma Norriss, Parenting Consultant

Dubbed “the Nigella of parenting’, I turn around scratch-your-eyes-out-hard family situations where nothing else has worked.
Why I'm here
I really wanted to excel at parenting, it was really important to me and yet not only did I find it hard, I was actually failing in significant ways that felt out of my control.
I longed for a parenting mentor who would tell me what to do, but most importantly help me regulate the strong feelings that came up in response to situations that felt out of control, worrying or upsetting.
When I discovered the Hand In Hand approach it was revelatory. It was like a piece of information and techniques for managing myself and my kids that had been missing.
I could see how other parents around me needed this piece too. And when I started teaching it they were just as grateful as I had been for how much more manageable family life was in the light of this approach.

Meet Roma
Dubbed “the Nigella of parenting’, Roma Norriss turns around scratch-your-eyes-out-hard family situations where nothing else has worked. She can be sighted in a naughty red dress but in actuality spends most of her time coaching internationally from her bed in pyjamas with her hair standing on end.
She has been working with parents (as a Birthworker, NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor and Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor) since 2006 and is a warm, overconfident, prolific, playful, pattern interrupter who somehow has the answers to your life.
Based in Somerset, she sponges up any opportunity for intimacy and is an all-round bothersome love-addicted wrestle-maniac. Lifelong foodie, she loves feeding people and when the chips are down is prone to escaping to Kerala for a God plug-in.
What she doesn’t want you to know is that she actually finds children quite tedious and has been forced to master parenting only for the sake of making her own children significantly LESS so.
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